Leed Me to your Heart,Leed Me to your Soul, Leed Me to the Place where You want me to go.

Its been over a year.But much is fresh.A life changing experience that I reflect and learn to improve till i finish this race before me.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Phew..what a night

I'm so tired. i can just collapse straight on the bed now and zzz. but i needda bath, needda brush teeth, change, etc.

i just came back from MASSOC ( Malaysian and singaporean Society ) End term dinner. So tiring. have been preparing with elena for the past few days for the games and the emcee-ing for tonight. the attendance is bigger than what we expected. about 100plus people!

Was fun la emcee-ing. Elena was so evil doing her best to get me to wear pink. haha not to say im against the color.its just that i dun have a nice pink shirt or anything. hehe. lucky the saxophone shape tie saved the look. we look real funky.

the party cum dinner was fun. i was yaking yaking around with everybody ... while people are ushered in. the food prepapred is is is superb yummy. i didnt get to eat many rounds cos had to do the emcee-ing stunts.

was kinda nervous at first cos its been sucha long long time i did anythin like this. somemore i can be blur a bit. but it went well.

people are sporting to play all the games, actually it was hard cos the crowd was big and everywhere.

what else to ay ar?hmm.. suelynn called. was so nice to hear from her. talkin to her about how im doing and about london plans..waa gets me exicted keke.actually its the thought that i will be meeting my dear fellow fireBrand which lift my spirit even higher.

but to be honest, im actually jealous. at couples goin holidays at places like paris,edingburg and all. makes me get into some deep thought and think nonsense. ish ben.this happens to me only when im super tired and start to think think.


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