Leed Me to your Heart,Leed Me to your Soul, Leed Me to the Place where You want me to go.

Its been over a year.But much is fresh.A life changing experience that I reflect and learn to improve till i finish this race before me.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Where shall i rest.

I was reading the book of Mark and i just thought of sharing you guys what i have learned.
Mark 6:30-56.

The apostle just came back from a big mission trip under the authority of Jesus. The Lord knows that they are tired and needed rest.so v30,he said: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest". God knows when we need to rest. sometimes we just get so caught up doing "missions" for him that we tend to forget of how tired we are. Even when we are under the authority of Christ to do missions... Christ still wants us to "..go to a quiet place and get some rest". He knows that we can be so caught in DOING the mission than BEING the mission. When we get tired...very often every man will eventually lose their focus. Christ knows that..thats why He also says : "Come to me all of you who are weary". Just like in the story of mary and martha of how Martha was busying preparing the Home for Christ while mary just sat at the feet of Jesus just hearing His word and listenning to Him. It is at those times when we sit at the feet of JEsus hearing from Him, we accomplished most.

Friends, Have we come to situations where we feel tired but yet still want to go on for Christ thinking that hey, feeling exhausted tired is all part of running this race. Many of us have felt that ...i believe. But tonite i have learned something different in my christian walk. Resting in the arms of my Saviour.

yes.its good that we are doing lots of work for God. But how far have this work gone into our heads that we have forgotten to "rest under the shadow of His wings"? Even Christ himself when he is doing his ministry preaching to thousands..He will still always make time for rest and find His father. v.45-46 : " immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him ..while he dismissed the crowd.After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside
to pray."

Lets find rest in the Lord, and be recharged so that we will always be able to remain focus in our race. Super marathon Runners needs to rest to, in order that they will be able to focus where they are running to. no use forcing yourself running and not know where you are going.

God Bless.

btw: Casting crowns is a great album.thanks Fran.


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