Leed Me to your Heart,Leed Me to your Soul, Leed Me to the Place where You want me to go.

Its been over a year.But much is fresh.A life changing experience that I reflect and learn to improve till i finish this race before me.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Spiritual biscuit

i have just submitted my dissertation today. it is so thick. im amazed at my own work actually. i have never produced such a thick written work before in my life.50 pages! i hate writting. i never enjoy writting. But as the years went by, i grew to like it and realised how wonderful your work can be when u have complete it with such long research ( a years long). i have submitted two assignments and a dissertation. all complete. whats left now is just pure studying. God is so good. he is faithful to me in my study time. He gives me the peace i need. He gives me the understanding when im so despreate. He give me the company i need when im just all tired. He gives me the open doors to share even in crucial exams times as this. He provided a great spiritual family to keep me accountable. He provide a goodhousemate pris who cooks nice meals. He guides me in whats important for exams. He provides the strenght i need to carry on. he extent the time which i need to complete my days revision.

When i woke up this morning. i breathed. i dont have to think twice whether there was oxygen. I cant see oxygen or even smell it. But i know its there. Sometimes i feel Jesus is like the oxygen i breathe. He is there always. i dont have to think twice if he is there or not. though i dont see Him my physical eyes. i know He is there. the same way i know oxygen is there. Besides that Jesus is like oxygen. It's not just nice to have Him in my life, he's essential in my life. He is life. Whether others accept it or not. it is still truth.

when im always ask by anybody how i know God is here. how i know God is in our midst. my illustration would be the oxygen illustration. i was reminded of this again when i found out that the author of the book "taming the tiger", tony anthony had the same oxygen illustration too.

Thats how i feel God is in my study time alone in the quiet lupton kitchen. He is around. i dont see Him but i know he is watching me studying. probably leaving every priority he has to do in heaven aside so that He can just be with me. To give me the peace and support i need in my studying time.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Isnt God's word amazing? though outwardly im wasting away. wasting away from the lack of sleep and the many readings squeezed into my head. inwardly im being renewed everyday. woh. i guess that explains the msytery why i keep going.

Thank you Lord. for ever being so true in my life.

Linda's sick yday night. she was puking and all. i was given the opportunity to share Gods love. the feeling is really wonderful. She havent heard of panadol before.lol. i think panadol shall be a malaysian thing. she felt better the today and compliment that the panadol brought quicker healing than the painkiller she took the whole afternnoon. But in my mind i know its the prayer, that God heard. Praise God that shes better. and most importantly for the open opportunity before me.

Sundays message was about the beautitudes. Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy. thak you God for u r so merciful so many times. no matter how many times i ask for ur mercy. your mercy is always there.


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