God So Loved the world that he gave his only son..
did you know that currently in singapore the latest statistic revealed that at least there will be one suicide a day in singapore. most of them are students. Well i'm not sure how true this statistic is.Fran maybe u can correct me in this if its less accurate. There's also a well known true story of a hongkong superstar who had everything in the world, fame,looks, money,etc. but still decided to take his life one day by jumping off a building. Even in fiction movies, like star wars episode three.where princess padme, died when she gave birth to luke and leah (correct me in this yuin), i remember clearly from the dialogue make by one of the robotic doctors: we couldn't find the reason why we are losing her. she has nothing wrong. seems like she has lost the will to live.
i once hear a story of a girl who is given 20K pounds for her birthday by her parents and her parents left. the girl all her life live a lonely and purposeless life. the next dsy after her birthday, she commited suicide and left a note saying: You have giving me everything to live with, but you have not given me anything to live for.
just a week ago Lixi told me about her friend in australia who took her life. for an unknown reason. or even in the infamous inti college many cases of suicides attempts.
Well you might be wonderin whats with ben with all this death stories. well tonight i just cme back from easter outreach by my local church. it was good. and the mesage which is preach. is the mesage of Hope.
Without Hope. one loses the will to go on. with out hope what is there to live for then? we are all sinners without a hope for us to live eternity cos we deserve it. But thanks to our Lord Jesus , through His sacrifice that we may have again have this hope to live eternity with him. Eternity doesnt mean that after you die u go live in heaven. though that is true, but it is not entirely true.i would call it the "half gospel". living eternity is living from the day jesus came into our hearts and forever. so yea friends, we are living the eternity life NOW as long as jesus is in our hearts.the eternity life..is one which is of abundance, full of joy, full of hope, full of love, to some it all it is full of "his fullness".
easter is the time of the year where we often take it lightly. it is not highly as remembered or celebrated as christmas. in christmas we celebrate the birth of baby Jesus in the manger. did ya know that on easter it reminds us of the sacrificial death and fullfillment of that baby jesus came to earth in the first place. His death brought us a hope. why is you say hope leh? death is death d ma. what hoope is there from death? the hope that im sharing here is the hope of an eternity , the hope of covering death and living where we rightly belong.the hope of seeing jesus face to face again. the hope of reuniting our love ones in heavenly realms again. the hope of being redeem righteous in God's sight again.
this reflects much of what im goin thro during the week and the weeks coming. exams stress, finals and last months in leeds. what im worried most is actually my studies. my assignments . my dissertations. when i look at my time table and the amount of things i have to do and with the so little time i have. honestly im very afraid. i have never been put in such a strained positioon before in my studies. and i cant possibly screw up now, not here in england! so yea. i was in a spiritual struggle. struggle with dependence,struggle with faith, struggle with trust, struggle with remembering my identity. Praise God he is still faithful despite what happened and how i'm feeling. and yes thro Christ i know i can place my hope in him. Thro Christ i can have a hope when i study so friggin hard every night. and sacrificing so much of my time just for studies.
Well, i have a lot of verses to deal with hope and a lot of biblical reding with the rhema ( meaning season word). God id faithful and great. How great is our God. Sing with me... How great is our God.lalala.
Well for this week.
1.have been a study freak!
2.went for my last meeting with my dissertation supervisor..it wasnt a good one and just makes me more nervous.
3. went to chinese cg, brought lixi along to hear Gods message
4. Spend great fellowship time with cg friends and vincent
5. how could i possibly forget.. i cooked 5 dinners this week for the girls in lupton. haha. im their chef for the whole week. Well its something i did volunatrily to demonstrate my serve to others.
6. Easter outreach on friday
7. people have been asking..wat am i goin to do for easter holidays..where will i be going?etc. haha and my answer is you know wat? : Parkinson Court, brotherton library, edawrd boyle library. man im sucha meganerd now. nvmd nvmd its my final two months and it will all be over!
Well since i started writting this entry, by talkin abt death. im gonna end it the way i have started it. haha.chech u see got format wan my entry.
wee leon shared with me a personal testimony. exactly a year ago somewherre very close to easter, he had to share a message and run a funeral for a friend. his friend is a 29th year old girl.her husband requested wee leon to run the funeral for her.it was one of the toughest message and thing which wee leon have to do. the girl just got married with her husband for a year and the time has come.wee leon shared with that during that time, he shared on the message of hope through Christ Jesus who died on the Christ. He shared with me that when he was preaching the word of God during the funeral service, as he look at the sober crowd, his heart changed to a feeling which is completely 'indescriable', a feeling of 'hope'.when he shared he knew that his friend ( the girl who just passed away) have gone to be with the Lord and is in a better place... because of the hope she had since the day she accepted Jesus into her heart. she has been living eternity since that day. Not on the day she passed this world.wee leon shared with me that the feeling of hope he felt that day , is so indescriable that he actually felt like following his friend to where she going. and cant wait for his time to come.
well this might sound like a normal funeral story to you. but heyya theres a history behind this girl. that girl just accepted Christ, just 5years before she passed away. she accepted Christ, in an easter outreach organised by my local church here in leeds. she was the only one. It is then it strucked me, that hey man, even if we organise an outreach just to svae one person, we should go all out for it man and just do it.
Well i know my readers of this blog comprimise of all different kind of friends and people in my life. i just thought sharing this message of hope to all of you. in christ we can have hope in all things. in christ we can live the eternity live here on earth and forever on.
i actually wished to shared with you my friends of another spiritual giant that has impacted my life during my time in leeds and has gone to be with the Lord. Lord Dr. Michael Chan.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/news/2006/01/26/db2603.xmlhis background is too long to be written in this entry. well not too long but i dont want to cause any incovenience to my readers. so up there. is the link to Rev Lord Dr. Michael Chan.
Friends lets live a life with a hope. i have a hope.Its in Christ! whats your hope?