Leed Me to your Heart,Leed Me to your Soul, Leed Me to the Place where You want me to go.

Its been over a year.But much is fresh.A life changing experience that I reflect and learn to improve till i finish this race before me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Can you feel the lurrvvVvVveee that leads to RoMAaNCe and finally the DrEAaaaaMmmmm

I juust love The Parkinson building.its my second home here. it is where edward byle library is, it is where i meet my friends, it is where i can just sit with another soul who is also studying to account me to study than wastin my time sleepin whole day on the bed, it is where i have my regular dose of prayer meetings with julee, and jean ( these two girls are incredible woman of God i look up to), it is where i meet new people and get to share with them about how wonderful Penang is and God =).

Well today i have been a nerd practically from morning till now, its goin to 3pm d. and i intent to stay here till late 9pm. actually can stay till 12midnite...but kesian i live at lupton,its kinda dangerous to go back at midnite, sure meet drukens and siou lan. haha.

Anyway..im takin a short kitkat break.(yes i have kitkats with me now.) just thought of blogging some of the many things that i wanna shared that gives glory to God.

When u think of Love.what does it bring to your mind. and when you think of romance what does it bring to your mind. romance and love are like two different emotions/action to me. Love is continual , romance can be temporary but is essential to make love continual. Love never fails but romance can fail cos of its temporary nature.

But guys and gurls im not here to say that romance is all of nothing compared to love. but what im about to write here.is to let you all understand that love is essential to everybody.

Friends, i realsied that loving others without the elements of romance or with any ulterior motives could be the ticket to truly loving yourself. I'm not writing this little piece to prove you wrong about romance. That's not my point. This entry is about discovering the magic in you, and not being afraid to let this magic shine through.

If Rebecca Wells believes that people are made up of stars, I believe that we are actually made up of dreams. So check up on your dreams and try picking your favorite like what I just did. It doesn't matter if it's as big as changing the world or as simple as getting your own Burgerking outlet in your small town. Once you are able to pinpoint that dream, let loose and share it with the people around you. Who knows, it may trigger the spark that would warm up a new batch of dreamers. Most importantly, the spark would warm you up as well, that is, into becoming the person you God wants you to be - YOU.
*statement taken from veronicca mercado entry*

Best part of it is that you're actually also loving it at the same time!So let loose. Be unashamed, unabashed, and every other synonym to that. I have a dream, im a fighting dreamer.My dream was not thought of, but is born in me. My dream is recorded even before i was born.My Gods dream is my dream. before i even start law, i knew what my dream is. and now im heading towards it. its big very BIG!. some may laugh when i tell them about it. mum and dad might think im just havin a young man's dream. but this dream is of a MAN which is already in the mind of the child when he is born.

A few days ago.i shared with julee what is my dream, i feel strongly God has instored for me in 5-10years from now. in reply Julee, told me about Lord Chan, the first and only chinese in England to be given the title Lord. He is an ambassador for the chinese minorities and he also sits in the parliament to defend christian values and scrutinize politics policies or government enactments. He is given the right to say in front of the many mnay Lords : " according to the christian beliefs,i don't agree that... ", " According to the Word of God , i would suggest.... " Woh!!! what great influence and power he has in enforcing God's word and will in the area of all dirty politics.

But not only that, Lord Chan , as julee shared with me. is sucha down to earth guy, he is so humble. truely humble = greater authority. Servanthood the key to grreaater ministry. there's so much i want to tell you about what julee shared with me. but much are too personally confined in the "my letters to God directory".

hehe.its funny.that im suppose to blog about love. it went from love, then to romance then to dreams. how are all this related? suppose it does when i think of loving my saviour. i mean it make sense right? when you love your saviour. you would want to be intimate with him ( that would be romance) then after getting intimate with him...you can't help but achiving dreams.

I'm so random in my entry today. but i hope that in some ways it does help you in a way. Love you guys. God Bless!!!..now that i have finish my bar of chunky kitkat.its back to What Akdeniz says about regulating porn in the cyberspace.


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